Friday, March 1, 2013



- It was state terrorism in Argentine and guerrilla warfare during 1970’s by the government. Between 9,000 and 30,000 people disappeared. People were abducted or murdered.  Government forces also abducted pregnant women or women with young children. They place the babies and children with families that they choose then they killed the mothers. Government  was kidnapping people who was close to government people or writers.

By: Dominique Haynes

Argentine Culture:

Most Argentine's are primarily of European descent, which separates them from other Latin American countries where European and Indian cultures are more mixed. Culturally and emotionally, Argentine's often seem more European than Latin American. 


By: Marilyn Vargas

Places to Visit: 

Argentina is a beautiful place to visit.  There are countless places to see and visit.  Here are just a few places we visited.

Iguazi Falls:

This is one of the most visited attractions in all of Argentina.  It receives about 1 million visitors a year.  It actually has about 275 individual waterfalls and cascades.  Because of all the convenient catwalks, we were able to stand on the edge without being in danger.

Pento Moreno Glacier:

We made a major switch today as we traveled from Iguazi Falls.  Instead of the Sunny fall, we went to see this 250 km (area), 30 km (length) piece of ice and we were all amazed.  Just like at the Falls, there were walkways that allowed us to get up close and personal with it.  We definitely had to wear some heavy clothing.  Brr!!!

Quegrada de Humanuaca:

We liked visiting Quegrada de Humanuaca.  It actually is a ravine with fascinating rock formations.  It is 150 km long and it’s also more than 2,000 meters above sea level.  This was amazing because we were able to see all the multi-colored hills and rocks.


The Museum of Horrors:

As we read in our short story and found out from our background information, the Dirty War was real, and devastating.  More than 30,000 people died.  Out of respect and curiosity, we decided to visit the museum.  The “museum” is actually a public memorial to the “disappeared”.  It was a grim visit, but also educational.

Colon Theatre:                                   

This is where we visited next:  The Colon Theatre or as Argentine s pronounce it, Teatro-Colon.  It is one of the best acoustic buildings in the world.  It has 7 levels and seats 2,478 people.  None of us were true opera lovers but we wanted to visit some place different just to say we had, and we were pleasantly surprised by the fun we had.  The building within itself was beautiful.

By: Lauryn Mcmiller

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