Tuesday, March 5, 2013



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Egypt is a country with an immense cultural mix. In every major city in Egypt, you will find traditions that remain from the time of the Pharaohs. In other parts you will find pure tribal customs that were brought in by many invaders throughout the centuries. Egypt is predominantly Muslim, but a large minority of Coptic Christians and a melange of other religions make the country an exciting destination for religious, secular and ancient cultural festivals.

By: Marylin Vargas



- The Pyramid of Giza is the largest pyramid in the world and it belongs to the second king of the fourth dynasty, Khufu.


- Valley of the Kings is in Lu xor , Egypt was once part of the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes . From the eighteenth Dynasty to the Twentieth , pharaohs of Egypt were being buried there when they died.




Egyptian food and drink varied according to status and wealth. The ancient Egyptian dined at low tables and ate with their fingers. Wealthy Ancient Egyptian were served their food on dishes made of gold, silver, bronze,and faience.

- Beef
- Mutton
- Goat
- Pork
- Antelope
- Gazelle
- Chickens
- Pigeons
- Herons
- Cranes
- Geese
- Pelican

                                                       Main Dishes - Fish
                                                       - Catfish
                                                       - Tuna
                                                       - Mullet
                                                       - Perch
                                                       - Crap

By: Dominique Haynes


Places to Visit

Pyramids of Giza:

A trip to Egypt just would not be complete without a visit to the Great Pyramids of Giza. We all agreed this would be our first stop. The mysterious structures are the pyramids of Thru Khafra, and Menkaura. The largest pyramid Khufu's is 455.4 ft. We had to stand back quite a ways to actually see the whole thing.



Cairo is the capital of Egypt and rightfully the culture center of the country. The city is full of bazaars (shops/stores) where you can see exactly what is found in Egypt. The streets are lined with restaurants so access to Egyptian cuisine is not a problem.

Valley of Kings:

This is the location at which some of Egypt’s most prestigious pharaohs were buried. It is also known as Biban El Moluk. It has a lot of mummies along with treasure that has been stored or buried that we have not found yet. This is also the site where archaeologists found King Tut.

Egyptian Museum:

Being that many of the Egyptian treasures that were found in the tombs are now in the museum, we had to stop by. The treasure is under high security. This is the place to go if you’re wondering about Egyptian artifacts.


By: Lauryn Mcmiller

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